Buddhism Teachings experiences narrate the journey to attain a deeper form of happiness; which requires a straight-forward look into the face of a reality where all life is seen as dukkha or mental dysfunction.
If we integrate Buddha’s teachings into our daily life we will be able to solve all our inner problems and attain a truly peaceful mind. Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible.If we first establish peace within our minds by training in spiritual paths, outer peace will come naturally; but if we do not, world peace will never be achieved, no matter how many people campaign for it.
Buddhism Teachings experiences a philosophy and practice that is extremely concerned with the mind and its various delusions, misunderstandings and cravings but, happily for us, sees a way out through higher consciousness and mindful practice.
Perhaps it is because of this seemingly dim view of reality that happiness in Buddhism is so tremendously full; the ideas contained in Buddha’s teachings point to a thorough engagement with lived reality. Ironically, it is through such an engagement with one’s self, the world and reality that one is able to achieve a transcendent happiness. Equanimity, a deep sense of well-being and happiness, is attainable through proper knowledge and practice in everyday life.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. It is founded on our thoughts. It is made up of our thoughts. If one speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows one, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the wagon. All that we are is the result of what we have thought. It is founded on our thoughts. It is made up of our thoughts. If one speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows one, like a shadow that never leaves.
(Dhammapada 1-2 / Müller & Maguire, 2002.)
Here’s my personal Buddhism teachings experience related to His Holiness teaching. I don’t have deep knowledge on BUDDHISM yet I will try my best to outpour my experience.
I always feel blessed to be born as Tibetan because we have a compassionate leader like H.H the Dalai Lama. His Holiness constantly make us aware of our positive traits and how we can make a difference in others life.
The Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) school where I learned as student and also taught as teacher has this motto “OTHER BEFORE SELF.” You feel happy when you could make others happy, so its a win-win situation to both.
His Holiness teaching is attended by so many devotees and the number of devotees keep on increasing each year. I feel lucky to be able to attend many teachings of His Holiness which create positivity in my life. His Holiness teaching is so relevant in our day to day life and if we practice what he preaches, the world would be a better place to live in. In this materialistic world, people are so focused on accumulating wealth rather than improving their moral values. Its evident that if you don’t have inner peace then the luxury around you will not give you a lasting happiness. His Holiness always try to bring change within ourselves through his teachings.
Whenever I feel low, I watch and listen to His Holiness teaching which makes me think optimistically. His Holiness has a great sense of humor which makes the devotees laugh every now and then. We are in deep gratitude for his selfless contribution towards Tibet, Tibetan people, Buddhism, devotees and world peace.
I will end my short article with the three commitments of His Holiness the Dalai Lama:
- His Holiness’ first commitment in life,as a human being,is the promotion of human values and those qualities of spirit that are key elements in a happy life,whether of an individual,a family, or a community. These days it seems to His Holiness that we don’t cultivate these inner qualities enough; that is why his priority is to develop them.
- His Holiness’ second commitment in life,as a Buddhist monk, is the promotion of harmony among the different religions. In democracy we admit the neccessity of pluralism in political life but we hesitate when it’s a matter of the diversity of beliefs and religions. Despite their different concepts and philosophies,all the chief religious traditions bring us the same message of love,compassion,tolerance, temperance and self-discipline.They also have in common their potential to help us lead a happier life.
- His Holiness’ third commitment in life, as the Dalai Lama, is the cause of Tibet, which concerns him very particularly. His Holiness has a special responsibility to the Tibetan people,for they continue to place their hope and confidence in him during this critical period of our history. The well being of Tibetans is his constant motivation,and in their struggle for justice His Holiness consider himself as their free spokesman in exile.
If we integrate Buddha’s teachings into our daily life we will be able to solve all our inner problems and attain a truly peaceful mind. Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible.
If we first establish peace within our minds by training in spiritual paths, outer peace will come naturally; but if we do not, world peace will never be achieved, no matter how many people campaign for it.